NEOSTRATA Skin Active Cellular Restoration

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NEOSTRATA Skin Active Cellular Restoration

NEOSTRATA Skin Active Cellular Restoration has been discontinued. The replacement product advised by NeoStrata is the Skin Active Rebound Sculpting Cream.

Moisturiser. Ant-aging.

NeoStrata Cellular Restoration is a powerful formulation designed to rejuvenate cellular turnover and strengthen the skin’s underlying matrix. If you’d like your skin to appear firmer, more lifted and vibrant, Cellular Restoration is highly recommended.

Size: 50 g

NEOSTRATA Skin Active Matrix Support SPF 30

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NEOSTRATA Skin Active Matrix Support

Moisturiser. Anti-aging.

NeoStrata Skin Active Matrix Support SPF 30 combines three clinically proven technologies to strengthen and repair the skin’s structure. Give your skin the support it needs.

Size: 50 g

[vc_message color="warning" message_box_color="warning" icon_fontawesome="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"]Not to be used if you are pregnant or breast feeding or planning on falling pregnant! [/vc_message]