NEOSTRATA Problem Dry Skin Cream

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NEOSTRATA Problem Dry Skin Cream

Body cream. Dry, rough, textured skin types.

NeoStrata Problem Dry Skin Cream is a rich cream containing a high level of Hydroxy acids. So if you have severely dry, rough and thickened skin on your heels, knees or elbows, this will improve the texture of those areas.

NeoStrata have recently changed the packaging from a tub to a tube but the ingredients have remained the same.

Size: 100 g

NEOSTRATA Targeted Clarifying Gel

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NEOSTRATA Targeted Clarifying Gel

Formerly known as Spot Treatment Gel

Gel. Blemished, acne-prone skin type.

NeoStrata Spot Treatment Gel is a highly effective formulation to quickly treat acne blemishes and allow the skin to heal. This fragrance-free gel is a must-have.

Size: 15 g

*This product is not recommended for pregnant or  women who are breast-feeding.

[vc_message color="warning" message_box_color="warning" icon_fontawesome="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"]Not to be used if you are pregnant or breast feeding or planning on falling pregnant! [/vc_message]